
Our customers

Global Credit Card Issuer

Increases its revenue by accepting more customers using machine learning technology

“Featurespace took the time to understand what we were trying to achieve, learn about our business and come up with a solution that is going to make a real difference to our business.”

Global Credit Card Issuer

Customer’s challenge

This Global Credit Card Issuer wanted to build a new transactional fraud detection system to:

  • Improve customer acceptance and reduce false fraud alerts
  • Spot new types of fraud automatically
  • Automatically adapts for consistent performance – no need for retuning 

Featurespace’s solution

This global credit card issuer implemented ARIC to:

  • Monitor individual customer behaviour

Across all transactional data

  • Increase customer acceptance

By accurately understanding legitimate customer behaviour on an individual basis

  • Spot and block new fraud attacks

By detecting anomalies in behaviour

70% Reduced the volume of genuine transactions declined by 70% - accepting more business

80% For Card Not Present (online) fraud, ARIC reduced the volume of genuine transactions declined by over 80%

40% Cut fraud losses by over 40% – improving revenue