Originally published on Forbes.com, Matt Mills writes about how machine learning and knowledge sharing can be weaponized in the fight against human trafficking, which is one of the most profitable crimes for criminals.
According to the U.K. government’s 2019 modern slavery report, 6,985 potential modern slavery victims were referred to the relevant authorities in 2018. In the U.S., 10,915 cases were reported through the National Human Trafficking Hotline in 2018, but the actual number is likely to be far greater. The Global Slavery Index (via The Guardian) estimated there were over 400,000 people living in modern slavery in the country in 2018.
By using data analytics, financial institutions have long been able to identify and investigate suspicious transactions and report them to the relevant authorities. By using artificial intelligence and machine learning, institutions can take the fight against trafficking one step further.
Read the full article here.