Cambridge Sessions brings together the smartest minds in technology and innovation to provide an opportunity for open discussion around the latest topics and trends affecting the way we live, work and pay. We will share insights and ideas, and imagine the positive impact technology can have on our world today, and in the future.
This exclusive webinar took place on:
Wednesday 7 July 2021
12.30 BST / 07:30 ET / 19:30 SGT
We were joined by Prof. Frank Kelly, Fellow Professor of the Mathematics of Systems at Cambridge University and Trustee of the Alan Turing Institute, who shared his unique perspective on developing innovations in data science and artificial intelligence from within the academic world and provided insight into how deep learning, and neural networks, are being applied to solve real-world problems.
Following Professor Kelly, Dr David Sutton, Head of Machine Learning, explained how Featurespace is providing financial institutions access to these breakthroughs in the fight against financial crime. Dr Sutton shared how recent innovations, such as Featurespace’s Automated Deep Behavioral Networks, are able to deliver un-precedented accuracy in fraud prevention.
This invitation-only event was the first in a series exploring the global impact of technology and innovation. To register your interest in future sessions please complete the form below.
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