
Next-gen payment security: Reduce fraud with advanced analytics and real-time detection

Take back power from the bad actors with our award-winning machine-learning solutions.

ARIC™ for Payment Fraud stops payments in its tracks.

Less fraud, lower false positives and happier customers.


Protect your customers with the right balance of security and convenience

Your primary goal is to protect your customers, but at the same time give them a seamless, easy payment experience.

How do you do that when payment fraud levels are at all-time highs and technology advancements mean fraudsters continue to win?

The answer lies in finding the right balance between security and convenience. ARIC™ for Payment Fraud gives you that balance.

Allow your customers to feel protected while still providing a seamless payment experience.

But how do you strike that balance? 

Our Automated Behavioral Analytics and Automated Deep Behavioral Networks provide the answers that deliver advanced payment fraud detection.

“The financial return on our investment has outstripped our expectations and with ARIC’s integration to our existing customer communication platform, we’ve seen a significant improvement in customer handling and complaints.”

Alasdair MacFarlane, Head of Fraud Prevention & Response

To beat the fraudsters, you need an advanced fraud protection solution that cuts fraud and protects customers from day one.

Our advanced machine learning utilizes state-of-the-art technology, such as deep neural networks, to significantly improve fraud detection. 

It has been specifically designed for financial institutions to enhance risk detection and reduce false positive ratios. 

Results are outstanding.

  • Reduced customer friction
  • Enhanced anomaly detection
  • Real-time scoring and response
  • Higher fraud prevention performance
  • Transparent, explainable model governance
  • Increased accuracy in fraud detection and transaction acceptance

Automated Behavioral Analytics and Automated Deep Behavioral Networks are our award-winning machine learning technologies that provide the best solution for reducing payment fraud and false positives.

Advanced Machine Learning: Your Shield Against Payment Fraud

How NatWest transformed its payment fraud detection controls

With an upgraded real-time fraud detection platform, NatWest has been able to improve the value of scams detected by 135% and see false positives for scams drop by 75%.

Double the value of fraud detected. Payment fraud is costing too much. Transform your payment fraud strategy with ARIC™ for Payment Fraud and experience reduced fraud losses.

Lower operational costs

Lower operational costs

With less fraud, false positives and response times come significant benefits in operational overheads. Utilize your resources on the alerts that really matter, while ARIC™ for Payment Fraud takes care of the rest.

Higher level accuracy

High-level accuracy

Our award-winning machine-learning technology detects and prevents fraud with high accuracy. With advanced analytics capabilities, we get to the heart of fraud - fast.

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All fraud types targeted

From deposit fraud and money mules to Authorised Push Payments and account takeover, all fraud types are detected, giving your customers wide-ranging levels of protection.

Happier customers

Happier customers

Cut friction to the minimum. With a system that learns by itself, manual retrain isn't required, so customer security is consistently enhanced and more genuine transactions flow through.

Implement the most advanced machine learning models and take back control from the fraudsters.

Secure every transaction with ARIC for Payment Fraud?

  • High-level accuracy
  • Lower false positives
  • Lower operational costs
  • Real-time fraud detection for effective risk management
  • Integrate multiple data feeds
  • White label options
  • Happier customers

Schedule a demo to find out more.

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