How can we bring banks together to share data for crime prevention, without compromising individual privacy?

By implementing the latest development of machine learning: privacy-preserving federated learning.

Global financial crime activity is driving demand for machine learning solutions in fraud prevention. However, prevention systems are commonly serviced to financial institutions in isolation, and few provisions exist for data sharing due to fears of unintentional leaks and adversarial attacks. Collaborative learning advances in finance are rare, and it is hard to find real-world insights derived from privacy-preserving data processing systems. In this paper, we present a collaborative deep learning framework for fraud prevention, designed from a privacy standpoint, and awarded at the recent PETs Prize Challenges. We leverage latent embedded representations of varied-length transaction sequences, along with local differential privacy, in order to construct a data release mechanism which can securely inform externally hosted fraud and anomaly detection models. We assess our contribution on two distributed data sets donated by large payment networks, and demonstrate robustness to popular inference-time attacks, along with utility-privacy trade-offs analogous to published work in alternative application domains.

The lead author Iker Perez Lopez, presented this research paper at ICDM in Shanghai.

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