The Proliferation of Money Mules

With guest speaker Trace Fooshee, Aite Group

Recorded: Thursday 4th June 2020, 14.00pm (BST)

A rising threat, money muling is the criminal activity that impedes both fraud and AML teams. As the general public become more vulnerable, criminals are increasing their recruitment efforts.
Featurespace is delighted to host Trace Fooshee, Senior Analyst at Aite Group as guest speaker. He will be joined by Fraud Market Expert Mark Taylor and Head of Financial Crime Araliya Sammé for a discussion that covers:

  • The current increase and change in money muling activity
  • New demographics that are currently being targeted
  • The methods banks are using to detect mule activity
  • How banks are using technology alongside expertise to catch mules

If you work in fraud, risk and money laundering prevention, this session will provide invaluable insights on money muling activity in today’s landscape.